While we're in lockdown - and maybe beyond! - I'll be running workshops, doing online tutorials and also teaching drawing courses!
The tutorials and courses will have to be paid for because they're full on hard work and a girl's gotta feel valued. And eat. And pay rent. Get in touch to discuss requirements and start your tutorials or drawing course!
But the workshops (even though they're hard work too!) will be free and all are welcome! Although if you're able to send a few bob my way that'd be awesome - I'm a freelancer and also work in events, so all of my income has disappeared like a really amazing magic trick. But I know millions of us are in the same boat and so I seriously don't want you thinking about anything but being creative if you also have zero coming in. Maybe just a follow on the old Instagram. Winky face.

All workshops will be live and on Zoom.
Please download Zoom beforehand and familiarise yourself with it.
It's super easy!
I'll post the Meeting ID and Password below and on my
Instagram before each workshop's start time:
Meeting ID:
See you there!